Kamis, 03 April 2014

Minimalistic Text (pro) v3. Full APK

Minimalistic Text (pro) v3. Full APK. Text is a minimalist widget application that displays information in a minimalistic .
It can be configured to display time , date , battery and weather information. The design of the widget is highly customizable through the layout editor .

Minimalist Text is heavily inspired by BattStat and Clockr but adds flexibility.

Languages supported:
* English
* Danish
* German
* Greek
* Dutch
* Polish
* Norwegian
* French
* Croatian
* Serbian
* Czech
* Spanish
* Estonian
* Italiano
* Portuguese
* Hungarian
* Russia
* Swedish
* Simplified Chinese
* Traditional Chinese
* Slovak
* Afrikaans
* Slovenian

Explanations for the authorization requests :
android.permission.VIBRATE ****
used in the layout editor to give feedback that an item has been dragged
android.permission.INTERNET ****
used by the weather service to get your coarse location and retrieve the weather for it
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ****
necessary to determine if the weather data is read
android.permission.INTERNET ****
needed to actually retrieve the weather data and to get the name of the place where you are
android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED ****
necessary to be able to wait until the phone booted before initializing
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ****
to access the SD card and save preferences
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ****
is used to determine if the home screen is currently active. This is used by the automatic rendering option
To activate / deactivate sizes widgets
android.permission.INTERNET ****
To support WiFi variables
android.permission.READ_CALENDAR ****
Support for calendar events
com.android.vending.BILLING ****
Donate In-App Support


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